Sanskrit hi-res stock photography and images Page 21

He re-established the temple there, modifying it to enshrine both Bishamonten and the deity he workshipped, Senju Kannon, the goddess of Mercy and Compassion. He named the temple buildings Kuramadera, after the name of the mountain. The asuras have also been described as ‘inferior deities’ or as being like fallen angels. In some cases they are reported to be more powerful than the yakshas mentioned above. Getty notes that “In Japan [Vaiśravaṇa] is worshipped under the name Bishamon, and is represented in armour ornamented with the seven precious jewels, and is generally standing on one or two demons. In his left hand he holds either a small shrine or the flaming pearl, while in his right is a jewelled lance.” The shrine is said to represent the Iron Tower in India where the Buddhist scriptures were found.

The nearby Tamura Shrine is considered the foremost shrine in Kagawa Prefecture. Also of interest is Ritsurin Park and Garden, known as one of the three most beautiful gardens in all of Japan. The plateau is called Goshiki Dai because it consists of five differently colored peaks symbolizing the five forms of Buddha Mahavairocana.

He also carved an image of Kokūzō Bosatsu and dedicated it in the Okunoin. Originally called Sesaka-dera, this was built in 596 and was the ancestral temple of the Saeki clan, into which Kōbō Daishi was born. When he returned from China, he dedicated the Kongōkai and Taizōkai mandalas signifying the worlds of the cosmic Buddha and enshrined the Dainichi Nyorai as the honzon. Kōbō Daishi modeled the temple after Ch'ing-lung-si Temple in China and it took three years to build. There are more than 1500 carvings of Amida Buddha and his attendants in the rock wall behind the temple. Also carved in the wall are images of stupas and the words Namu Amida Butsu.

Use this next day wisely and keep in mind that it isn't the last day of your pilgrimage, just another day on the henro trail of life. In commemoration of his trip to China, he enshrined his Shakujō at this temple. A Shakujō is a walking stick with large metal rings attached to the top of the handle in order to make rattling sounds. Likewise, it is now customary for all pilgrims to leave their walking stick here after they complete their pilgrimage. The temple was founded by Gyōgi Bosatsu in 738 (although Starr says that it was Shōtoku Taishi). Kōbō Daishi came her later and, in keeping a vow he made before leaving for China, performed a Goma ritual for the first seven nights in January and distributed amulets to the assembled people.

He is often shown holding the sun, moon, bow and arrows, a mirror, and has two hands in the Anjali mudra. The king of hunger, an ogre in perpetual anger, the king of quarrels. Of the three heads , the central head has a suffering expression, and the others appear angry.

Later, they built a statue of the Ushi-oni near the fountain in the temple compound. There is a particular figure of statue which is called Tobatsu Bishamonten. It wears armor knitted from chains (Kinsako (金鎖甲), and protective gear called Ebigote (海老籠手) over the arms, as well as a coronet on the head.

It should also be noted that these ‘virtues’ are not linked to morality, but are more closely tied to qualities one would want to possess. That is why a long life, wealth and popularity are included in this list. Of course, the Protestant ethic links success in life to one of God’s blessings, but still… And popularity? Just ask any Hollywood celeb where they rank on the morality scale. Confucian virtues are tied to morality, but they are Chinese and not necessarily Japanese – something you knew already. It is said that in the 12th century when the Taira were vying with the Minamoto for control of Japan both sides were appealing to Bishamon for support.

Kōbō Daishi is said to have come here frequently from the time he was seven until he was thirteen, at which time he started to wander farther from home. There is a cave above the hondō called the Shishi no Gankutsu (Lion's Cave) where he came to meditate. Be sure to look down on Ariake beach from the lookout on the road above the temple and see the coin-shaped circle made of sand and originally built in 1633 in 毘沙門天 imitation of a coin of the Kanei period.

Nearly always dressed in armor (yoroi 鎧), looking ferocious (funnusō 忿怒相), and carrying weapons or objects (jimotsu 持物) said to eliminate evil influences and suppress the enemies of Buddhism. Also typically shown standing atop evil spirits , symbolizing the power to repel and defeat evil. This legend has been made famous the Noh drama called Ama. This temple was built by the son and by Gyōgi Bosatsu in the 694 as a memorial to her and remains dedicated to the spirits of the dead . However, the original temple dates from much earlier and the honzon dates from the time of Empress Suiko in the 6th century.

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